National Campaigns
Ongoing campaigns
Trump is Back. But we Have a Plan.
Half of America did not vote for Trump. Half of America is still progressive. And during Trump’s first term, as a reaction to his extreme policies, many states and counties and cities fought back BIG TIME. They elected more progressive candidates to more offices. They passed more progressive legislation affecting the environment, the criminal justice system, and women’s reproductive rights. Simply put, we grew as a progressive movement despite Trump. And now we’ll do it again.
Stop Project 2025
You’ve heard about Project 2025. You know that, despite former President Trump’s efforts to distance himself from Project 2025, at least 28 of its 38 authors served in the Trump administration and hundreds of its proposals match Trump policies. And over 100 conservative groups helped develop the project’s controversial proposals for restructuring the federal government – e.g. firing thousands of government workers so that Republican loyalists can be installed in their place. You’ve also heard that one of Project 2025’s primary goals is to undo recent climate policy gains. Yet many people don’t know what it actually says so we’ve put together this quick summary.
Pass a Climate Smart Farm Bill
This year’s farm bill is a once-in-5-years opportunity to cut down on the agricultural sector’s greenhouse gas emissions and to improve our progress towards our climate goals. We can’t miss out on this huge opportunity! Learn more>>
Unleashing the Clean Energy Revolution through Transmission
Right now, there are at least 2,000 gigawatts of renewable energy waiting for permission to connect to power lines in the United States, which is more than the total capacity of the country’s existing power plants. Wait times to connect new power plants to the grid can reach five years or more. Without rapidly improving transmission, the United States will not be able to achieve Biden’s goal of 100% clean energy by 2035 or provide cheaper, more reliable electricity to American households. If the United States can’t build new transmission at a faster pace, roughly 80 percent of the emissions reductions expected from the Inflation Reduction Act–the largest climate legislation in U.S. history–might not happen. Learn more>>
EPA: Please Stop Smoking
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) keeps falling further and further behind in cutting pollution from dirty power plants nationwide. These regulatory delays mean that people get sick – especially in poor communities of color – and the planet keeps warming. EPA has the authority and the moral responsibility to issue at least eight different rules that will clean up our air and protect our health from coal and gas plants. Missed deadlines are no longer permissible. So it’s time to take action. Learn more>>
Past campaigns
Making the Inflation Reduction Act Work for All of Us: Benefits for Justice and Climate Action
This is a BIG bill. A great bill. But so much information can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in. We’re here to make sure the IRA gets implemented in a manner that is equally equitable and aggressive. Read on for resources about implementation for the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as how you can share this with your friends and family. Learn more>>
#ExxonKnew: Making Polluters Pay for Climate Change
For more than 50 years, the most powerful oil and gas companies have known that they were driving catastrophic climate change. Yet these companies ignored their own scientific reports, all in pursuit of higher profits and at the expense of the people and planet. Fortunately, there are some bold local and state leaders attempting to hold these companies accountable in court. As these cases move up through the legal system, we have may finally have accountability on the horizon. Learn more>>
The U.S. is facing an intensifying climate crisis, racial injustice, global pandemic, and massive unemployment. That’s why we need a bold plan to put millions of people back to work and build a more just economy. With a new political landscape in our nation’s Capitol, this is the moment to take on these interlocking crises head on. The THRIVE Act offers an opportunity to transform our society so that each of us, and future generations, can live dignified lives. Learn more>>