Philly Brass Band Parades Through Center City to Get Out the Early Vote
New Orleans-style Brass Band Joins Advocates to Encourage In-person Vote by Mail Before Pennsylvania’s Tuesday Oct. 29 Deadline
PHILADELPHIA, PA – With Pennsylvania’s early-voting deadline fast approaching on Tuesday, October 29, a local brass band has launched a raucous two-day parade through the streets of Center City encourage early voting. Drums and horns were blaring as the band and accompanying climate activists alerted Philadelphians that they can vote in person at City Hall and at election offices in collar counties. Today’s parade lasted from 10 AM until 1 PM and organizers say it will continue during those same hours tomorrow, Thursday October 24.
“Voting is one of the most powerful ways to make our voices heard. We’re here today bringing fantastic music and energy to everyone in the City of Brotherly Love to remind them just how easy it is to vote early. By getting out ahead of the deadline, we hope to ensure that voters will hear how it works and take action now to shape a better future. We need every voter to step up so we’re stirring up some excitement to help make that happen,” said Quentin Scott, federal director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) Action Fund.
Click HERE to watch a recording of the livestream!
This parade event is being sponsored by the nonprofit Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) Action Fund. The group is endorsing Kamala Harris for president and encouraging voters to support Harris.
Paid for by CCAN Action Fund ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.